Monday, April 13, 2015


I was on this moving train or cart thing with Amanda, my best friend of 15 years. The cart slowed down at this buffet line, and Amanda very efficiently filled her plate with corn, mashed potatoes, rolls, etc., but I was unable to get my plate in time. So I jumped off the cart and ran back to where the buffet was and accidentally rammed into some guy who asked if I was okay and kept trying to hug me. I was more focused on the food, though, so I filled up my plate, then I heard Amanda choking in the next room. I dropped my plate to the floor and ran to where she was.

My whole family was just sitting around, watching her way too calmly. I tried to go to her to help her, but people kept holding me back, telling me that she was going to be okay and that I needed to stop screaming at them.

I really started to panic because I couldn't get to her, so I just kind of curled up into a ball and started shaking and sobbing, then after what seemed like forever, I heard Amanda say, "Hey, Schmal (my weird nickname), what's up?" and I looked up and she was fine. She looked a little confused as to why I was freaking out, actually. So that was weird.

This dream was not at all enjoyable.

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