I lived in this really nice chalet in the middle of the woods. I had company for a few days -- don't quite remember who all was there. But someone had been in the basement shower for a long time (we're talking days), and my mother-in-law somehow let me know that it wasn't a person in there, it was a plant. And I swear to you, I heard ominous music playing as my imagination did a slow zoom into the basement shower, where there was a plant from the action-strategy game Plants Vs. Zombies taking a shower.
Specifically, one of these guys.
So I was brainstorming on how to get this thing out of my shower when someone else (do not remember who), informed me that there were bugs invading the house through the front and back gardens. So we split up, and I went to the backyard with a spray bottle and started hunting around for these bugs.
For the longest time, I didn't see any. Then, gradually, I started seeing them everywhere.

They looked like this, except they were green. I chose to post an illustration instead of the real thing, because the real pictures were grossing me out. You're welcome.
The more I sprayed, the more came up out of the dirt, like a terrifying version of Whack-a-Mole. At one point, I got out my vacuum cleaner and ran it over the garden, but they were still alive and crawling around everywhere in the canister, so I gave up on that. I just couldn't get rid of them fast enough. Just when I was really starting to panic, I woke up.
I think I know what my next nightmare will be. I'm itchy just thinking about it!