Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Job Interview

Last night I had a dream I was in this old schoolhouse to interview for a fundraising job (I currently work in development). There were dozens of people applying for this job, and most of them were people I knew from high school, past careers, etc.

The guy who was interviewing would bring people into his office three at a time and only spend like five minutes with them. Right before my turn, my friend from my old job, Charity, came out and told me it was really weird and he made it seem like it was a completely different job, so everyone was confused.

So my turn finally came up, and I went in with these two girls I knew in high school. The other two girls just sat down, but I shook the guy's hand and introduced myself, and he seemed way too impressed that I actually took the time to do that.

Then he started describing the job, but was selling it to be something completely different from fundraising. Like some retail or server or cleaning job, I don't really remember. And I was about to interrupt him to make sure I was in the right place when the fire alarm went off (no worries, it was only a drill). So everyone went outside, and when it was over I was the only person who went back to to finish the interview.

I siad to the guy, "I just want to make sure you didn't have any more questions for me, and I actually wanted to clarify a few things with you," and he was like "Oh, that's really great of you, but I already gave the job to someone else. Her interview went a lot better." Which I thought was unfair because mine was interrupted by the fire drill, but whatever.

So I said, "Do you mind telling me what it was about me you didn't like? Maybe it's something I can work on." And he said, "You have this really strange habit of moving your tongue all over the place. It's so distracting, and you looked ridiculous. The woman who got the job just sat back very calmly, so that's why she got the job."

I said, "I had no idea I moved my tongue around like that. Thanks for telling me, I will try to remember that in the future." Then I left and found out my BFF Amanda got the fundraising job. And while I was happy for her, I was also like "Dude, you don't have any fundraising experience!" But we left the building together and I saw a scooter and was like, "Sweet, I've always wanted one of these!" so I rode it down the hill then asked Amanda "...Did I just steal a kid's scooter?" And she she said "Yes." So I walked it back up the hill and put it back where I found it then I walked home with Amanda.

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