I made the genius decision to sign into my old e-mail account and do a search on the word "dream." The result is the following Gchat conversations between me and various people (mostly Kyle).
me: I had a
dream last night that my sister and I were invited to this high-end
we had to ride a flying bicycle to get there and I steered it into
a muddy pond on accident
and it was really dark
in this city, it kinda reminded me of Gotham city or whatever from batman
we went in this area with all these conveyor belts for people
they were being sorted into who was cool enough to go to this party or not,
like a very advanced bouncer
I wasn't cool enough to go
me: I had a dream I
was pregnant
I had to find out from you (Kyle)
I was mad, like "how is it you know before I do?"
you were mad because you couldn't believe I forgot our trip to the doctor and
having the sonogram done
me: I had a horrible dream the
other day that I was on a double decker bus with all these puppies and kittens
the bus caught fire and I tried to save them all but only two survived
I woke up crying
(to my college friend Anna)
me: I had a nightmare about your wedding last
night. it was your bachelorette party and we were all riding around in a limo and I realized that no one had gotten you a sash or
crown or feather boa or anything that would imply that you were the
I was really really upset about this
I took the limo and made it drive me four hours back home so you could have the
ones from my bachelorette party
I made Kate go with me
and it wasn't until we were on the drive back up at like 3:45
that I realized, "hey Kate, we just missed the whole party...and I bet Anna
would have rather had us there than a feather boa"
me: I had a dream that it was
the wedding day and Kyle and I went up to do our first dance
the dance floor was really small and right by the door to the kitchens
people kept walking through us and crowding around and pushing each other
got out of control so we eventually just stopped dancing
was awful
me: I had a dream we were in a synchronized
swimming competition
we had to wear hoodies and jeans and such
KYLE: that sounds horrible
me: it was odd.
I went shopping for dresses with my mom and sister
my sister got the only wedding dress and I had to wear a bridesmaid dress
KYLE: oh dear
not what you want
(to Kyle)
me: I had a dream we got married
at our old middle school
it was a few months
before the wedding and we wanted to be officially married just to get the
certificate in Ohio
we did it at the middle school
I wore my dress, but it was lame.
me: I had another dream someone was trying to kill me
three nights in a row
time it was kind of like that movie Identity
a mix of that and 10
little indians
were 5 people including me and you
one of us was the killer
it was in this cabin in the middle of the woods
was a kid, a teenager, me and you, and a middle aged guy
was the middle aged guy
KYLE: it always is
me: I had a dream that you made me four baked potatoes
for dinner and you were upset when I couldn't eat them all
Daniel (Kyle’s brother) called because he had been kidnapped and he
needed help getting out
so we took a motorcycle to get him, he was tied to a pole at the
top of this waterfall fountain
he was playing hanging with friends, and if he guessed right he would have been
able to go, but he only had one strike left and he didn't want to be
thrown off the fountain so he called just in case
so we untied him and tried to get him on the motorcycle to leave
but he wanted to go in the house and say goodbye to everyone first
I was really mad.
me: I had a wedding
nightmare last night
it was the rehearsal dinner and I was upset because nothing was
ready and I didn't have a dress for the rehearsal dinner
the officiant kept asking me when I wanted him to pass out bread
I was all "I didn't even know we had to pass out bread for
apparently we did. And all these people kept asking me questions, really
detailed ones, about the wedding day and I had no answers
I woke up with my heart pounding.
me: btw I had a
crazy ass dream. It took place on a
tiny ship and it was from the point of view of a mouse and there was this whole caste system, from the janitor mice to
the mice who were second in command to the king of the ship
the janitor mice were kind and fair and good
the assistant mice were corrupt and treated the janitor mice like crap
so the assistant mice started telling the janitor mice that they
needed to come to their side, and the janitor mice always resisted, but one day
they offered them too much to refuse
so the very day the janitor mice started to serve this evil
king, the king turned on all of the mice and flooded the ship
that's when I woke up
KYLE: .....
me: I know!
me: I had a dream we were on
our honeymoon in the middle of nowhere, somewhere west, and we had to stay in a two bedroom tent in a
trailer park with my parents in the second room
me: I had a dream last night I was back in Athens
and it was Halloween
Anna: awww
me: but like, way tamer than actual Halloween
and we were on union street, but people kept calling it main
they were having 26 days of Halloween, one for each letter of the alphabet
and it said "A is for Angry Birds, ghosts, ghouls,
Anna: what a stange dream
me: and there was gonna be a parade, and you,
nicole, lisa and rebecca were holding hands blocking cars from union street
was odd.
me: first we were hiking down the mountains leaving Switzerland
is you and me by the way
then all of a sudden we were home and at some sort of craft
outdoor market, and Jen (my sister) and I were laughing because it had all these
weird shops for perfumes and lotions and dreamcatchers and stuff
we were on our way to a Josh Ritter concert, and at one point we were in the
backseat of Josh's car and he was teaching us how to dance...from the front
seat of the car, so that was strange.
then the dream changed again, and I was driving down I
27 to get to Thriftway, which used to be where Hobby Lobby is now. and I was
waiting at a stop light and I saw a UFO
I had seen on TV that people were seeing a lot of UFOs in our area lately,
so I was like "WHOA, they DO exist, this is crazy!"
then the UFO did a weird dip thing and purposefully crashed
right in the intersection
KYLE: lmao
me: and out came all these T-Rexs and they
started wreaking havoc on Colerain Avenue
KYLE: omg
me: I know, it gets better!
and I ran to the alley behind Thriftway to where the dumpsters
I hid in a corner
and this crazy guy came up who had a gun and kept
mumbling to himself about the dinosaurs and UFOs
he saw me and I was perfectly still
he started throwing bags of garbage at me
and when it left a group of civilized people came by and found
me and were all like "IT'S NOT SAFE HERE, COME WITH US!!"
I ran with them, and it felt kinda cool because I was running really hard and
fast and not getting tired, probably the adrenaline.
and your aunt Teri was
there and told me to run left
idea where she came from)
I ran left and saw a huge tree, so me and the group of people started climbing
all the vines
we had to work together to pull this net down to get to the top
we got to the top and looked out at the destruction
that's all I remember
when the crazy guy was throwing all the garbage bags on me he
pulled his gun on me
was gonna shoot me, that's why he piled all the garbage bags on me, to muffle
the sound
I wrestled the gun away from him and shot him
KYLE: wow
me: I know, right?
so how did you sleep?
me: I dreamt I was
driving along a really slippery road on my way to a fancy party
I slipped and drove off the road into a lake
I pulled it out all by myself and there was hardly any damage to the car, so
that was good
when I got to the party no one seemed to care that I drove into a lake
crazy dreams last night!!
was long and detailed
first you and me were driving to a double date with Kaitlyn and Taylor
I got pulled over for speeding and got my first ever speeding ticket
we got to Fridays for our double date, and for some reason my mom was there
our portion of the check was $60, which we had to pay in nickels
we went to an Anberlin concert
it was outside and very small
and for some reason in the middle of their set you went up there
and grabbed a guitar
KYLE: lmao
me: and Anberlin respectfully stepped aside for
you to play
the mic wasn't working, and I had to bring another one over and turn it on
for you
you dedicated the song to me, and it was "Impossible"
sounded really good!
me: I had the most horrible wedding
nightmare anyone has ever had.
KYLE: you were delirious
is all
tell me what happened
me: it started off great
my mom and sister and I drove up to the church, and it was all
set up outside, which was odd because we wanted it indoors, but I was fine with
it because there wasn't a cloud in the sky
I wanted to start getting ready so my mom and I went into the bathroom, and it
was gorgeous with all these long long hallways into each individual stall
but when we got to the end we found out we had to swim
under this wall to get to the changing room
the water was filled with sharks
so I had to swim with sharks and I was really scared
we got back outside and all these guests were arriving early
and the officiant wasn't there so I called the church and they
said that the stuff set up outside wasn't for us, it was for another couple
coming in like an hour
they said we never confirmed the church with them so they had nothing
ready for us
I cried and yelled and became bridezilla and everyone was staring at me and
finally the church guys said they'd have it ready in one or two hours
so we were gonna be really late to the reception and everyone
was getting antsy and impatient
you still hadn't shown up, and neither had the photographers
meanwhile I realized I had forgotten to find a florist, so
we had no bouquets
and my dress was ruined from swimming with the sharks
I was crying then I woke up and I couldn't breathe.
me: I had a dream that made me mad at you
you decided you wanted to be like Dexter, so you started killing
you weren't following the code very well
after a while of not killing people you got bored and decided to kill Tornon
(Kyle’s college friend)
I realize this is very strange by the way
I kept telling you that you needed to stop, but Tornon was defending you even
though he knew you wanted him on the table
that was the first part of the dream
the second part we were supposed to meet at a hotel, but
then a bear climbed out of this pond and went on a rampage
KYLE: you
me: I know :(
me: oh! I had a dream that you
surprised me with an autumn white water rafting trip
but you told me we were just going to go decorating pumpkins
I didn't bother to wear shoes
I had to go on this sporty hiking and paddling trip with no shoes and
inappropriate clothes
me: I had a dream we
went to a baseball game
and two bats went into the crowd during the game and I caught
them both and I was very popular
I went home and I was a roomie of Kate again
Kate had left out all these dishes from a feast
we had had days ago
the apartment was filled with bugs
was awful
there were maggots in my bed and roaches all over the walls so
the walls looked like they were moving
was awful
me: and I had a DREADFUL dream last night I was in my bedroom, and I open to a random page in this paperback
book on my windowsill and it was filled with like four bumblebees
so I freaked out a little and swatted at them with something,
but it turned out they weren't bees, they were BATS!!
they all flew out of my room and into my mom and dad's closet
I told dad about them and he said "oh, don't worry about it, they'll leave
when they want to"
then I woke up shaking and panicking
then I guess I fell back asleep, but I didn't know I had! so in
this continuing dream, I told dad about the dream of the bats and he said "that wasn't a dream, they're still up in
my closet"
KYLE: lol
me: so I was freaking out again, so I decided to
look through some scrapbooks to make me feel better
the pages were filled with ants!
and I couldn't get away from the bats, and I just knew that one
of them had clung on to me when we left mammoth cave so it was all my
fault and I woke up crying
me: I had a dream we were in Paris and I kept rushing
around to all the places we want to see
you kept leaving me to see other stuff you added to the agenda at the last
I was angry, but then we went to the Eiffel tower and it was
romantic, so then I was ok
KYLE: good to know that
for future reference :P
me: well
you shouldn't have been making a bunch of random day trips. We had to
miss Napoleon's tomb.
me: Want to hear about
my crazy scary dream?
KYLE: oooo, it's been a while
me: yeah this one is pretty messed up
KYLE: go!
me: me and you and David were in a car. David
was driving, you were in the front seat and I was in the back
and we were going through some windy subdivision type of roads,
so we were only going like 15 mph
I look out the window and see an old couple taking a walk together, and I thought
that was very cute.
the old man held up a card, like a birthday card or something like that, and he
smiled at me
I think I just kinda smiled back like "yes, sir, that's very nice
but then he walked up to our car and starts tapping on my window
with the card
I was getting freaked out
he just kept saying "You'll see. You'll see."
I told David to speed up and get the hell out of there, but he couldn't go too
fast on account of all the twists and turns in the road
so the old man keeps running alongside the car tapping on the
window with the card, still saying "You'll see" in this really creepy
finally I scream at him to leave us alone
he breaks the window with his elbow
I was screaming and scared, then I heard police sirens, and a cop on a motorcycle
pulled up
that's when I woke up
me: OH I can tell you about the dreams I had last
night!! Wanna hear?
KYLE: sure
me: well the first one
was that I was waiting in this huge line of girls to meet Zac Efron to see who
he wanted to date, and I won and he gave me one of those plastic rings that
used to come in cereal boxes
I had a dream about my one-on-one training, but the
guy had brought along fourteen colleagues, so I had to train 15 people
in the board room with only two laptops, and it was awful
me: I had a dream that
it was my job to move these eggs containing baby bunnies from inside the house
to a little fenced in area outside in a meadow
I carried all the eggs out but I put them on the wrong side of the fence
they all hatched and the bunnies went everywhere
I had to catch them and put them back in the cage
was adorable
That was AWESOME. Also, really loved that Taylor and I made an appearance, and am really intrigued at what you could have possibly picked at Friday's that would add up to $60.
ReplyDeleteI can guess that the tostado nachos and the brownie obsession were both in there somewhere :-P