Thursday, November 12, 2015

Birthday Party

Last night I dreamed...

It was my daughter's first birthday party, and we were having it at my cousins house for some reason. I was so worried that no one was going to show up, but pretty soon we had a full house. But then I started to notice that hardly any of the people who had RSVP'd were actually there, including some pretty important people (like my brother and sister-in-law). Oh, and my daughter was yet to arrive.

The party started at noon, so when 2:00 rolled around, I told Kyle that maybe he should call his mom and see where they were (his parents were supposed to bring my daughter to the party). So he called them and they said they would be there at 3:00. And I was very upset, because people were already getting antsy and the party would definitely be over by 3:00 and my daughter would have missed the whole thing.

I had already killed a lot of time by opening all the presents, so my mom, dangerously optimistic person that she is, decided to liven things up by making up a game on the spot. Everyone was sitting at three tables. She organized the presents by "books," "toys," and "other," placing each category on a separate table. Then she would shout out a present ("BABY DOLL!") and everyone was supposed to run to the "toys" table where the baby doll was.

Bless her heart, my mom was so excited about this terrible game that no one wanted to play. She kept screaming out presents and no one would move and my mom would not give it up.

Fortunately, I woke up soon after that.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Pies & Nuns

Last night I dreamed....

I got a call from my mom, who was out buying new light fixtures for the house. She asked me,

"What kind of pie? Vanilla, cherry, or pumpkin?"

"What are you talking about?

"Oh, for the light fixtures! They've got these really cute lights here that are all shaped like different pies. I thought we could have a different pie in each room."

"I don't know if that would look good."

"Trust me, they're so cute. The kids will love them."

"But I'm almost 30."

"What kind of pie?"


Meanwhile, I had a few friends and some family over, and three nuns stopped by. My family was super pumped that these nuns were here. And they weren't the nuns you imagine when you think of nuns...they were all really young and kind of college-girly. If that makes sense.

I'm almost afraid to put this out there, but please remember that I can't help what I dream, and that it does not reflect how I feel about things in real life. But my family wanted to go through this ritual with the nuns where they sprayed pepper spray in all their mouths and followed it up with turning the fire extinguishers on them.

.......So that happened.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Kidnapping, Snow, & a Birthday Party

Last night I dreamt that my sister took my baby daughter without my permission, and my husband and I were driving after them in a cop car to get her back. Kyle was driving, so he turned on the sirens and pulled up right next to her, but she just sped up and we got stuck at a red light (because even when your daughter is kidnapped, you have to obey the laws of traffic).

We finally got to my sister's house and were looking everywhere for them. My daughter was just hanging out on the living room floor. My sister walked in as I was scooping her up and acted like everything was normal, but I was still mad at her, so Kyle and I left. When we got to the car, we realized that we had left the windows open and it was filled with snow, even though it was warm out and we were wearing t-shirts. So we had to clear out the car and clean it before we could go home.

When we got back, we hosted Molly's first birthday party (which is actually coming up later this month), but hardly anyone showed up. And the few people who did show up filled out reviews about how the party went. And apparently they thought the party was lame. So I hope that doesn't reflect her actual party.